Carmella & Corey Graves - what happened & opinions.

So this last weekend on wrestling twitter has been a drama filled one, with Seth Rollins then girlfriend tweeting that they have spilt up, but what took twitter by Strom was Corey Graves wife come out and accused graves of cheating with none other then Miss Fabulous herself Carmella.

With posts to her Instagram of the following.

She posts how the two had an on going affair on the road and how graves not only cheated on her but Also his three kids. 

It's not much of a shock in my opinion as graves on commentary has always come across as a bit of a douche bag, with the comments he makes towards the women on commentary which can leave you feeling a little uncomfortable so to say. 

Carmella on the other had has always come across as a nice young lady who is down to earth so this came as a shock to me. 

The posts have since been took down and things are yet to even be confirmed, weather it is all real or just an attention ploy from graves wife, this has been known to happen before in relationships and comments made by Amy, graves wife were a little unneeded, but as we can all imagine she was angry, social media is a horrible place nothing stays a secret, everything gets out. 

Either way we can all have our opinions on the matter, we can all say what we think, but only three people know the truth, both graves and Carmella are in the wrong it takes two to tango, as a fan of Carmella I have lost a little bit of respect for her, but I will continue to support her as it's not the character that's cheated it's the person, it's not Carmella that's cheated, it's the person behind carmella, as for graves never liked the fella and this has give me more reason to not like him.

I do hope it's all sorted between the three whatever may have happened and things are less awkward on commentary next time, as last night Cole had to break the silence that came over the tablet when carmella music hit. 

What we can all learn from this is to be loyal to your girl or man, that if you ain't happy speak up about things and sort them out like adults, don't just run away from your problems and make them worse. 


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