So, the first ever NXT UK TAKEOVER, was a hit. Matches were all amazing, none of them let us fans down, definitely a bright future with the NXT UK Brand, if you have never watched it before this ppv is definitely one to watch to introduce yourself to it, anyway on to the opinions and the matches themselves.

First; Moustache Mountain (Tyler Bate & Trent Seven) Vs James Drake & Zack Gibson, for the NXT UK tag team championship.

The match itself started off slow but picked up, the moves used during the match were show stoppers with both teams taking big bumps without the match, Tyler Bate doing Tyler Bate things every time we watch him, he does something that knocks our socks off, Trent got busted open during the match and took most of the 'abuse' from James and Zack, the crowd were making themselves heard with chants and everything during the match.

After some show stopping moves and some omg moments, it came to a stop when the pinfall was made and the NXT UK tag team championships were crowned to James and Zack, who the crowd didn't enjoy the fact they won.

Over all it was an amazing match, an amazing opening match, all four men in the match should be proud!

Next up was Travis Banks Vs Jordan Devlin, this match was pretty much a no go from the start with Devlin attacking Banks way before the ppv started, which made banks under go a medical check, which he was cleared to wrestle, before the match could even start banks tried to get the upper hand and get one over on Devlin, which didn't come up with the right situation for banks being took off with a injury to the knee, term injury being used lightly, but the NXT UK GM had a plan B, plan B being Finn Balor, yes that's right Finn Balor which now made the match Irish Vs Irish, teacher Vs Student, with Balor training Devlin back in the day, the crowd went crazy when Balor appeared the match was back and fourth but nothing less off amazing, Finn coming out the winner which was pretty obvious that was going to happen, but even with Finn winning he still put Jordan over.

Up next was the no DQ match between Eddie Dennis and Dave Mastiff, this match was maybe the only one that could of been better, but it was a decent no DQ match, both men showing off what the can do, tables being  involved, in the end after a good and decent match Dave Mastiff came out the winner, after putting Eddie Dennis via a table.

Now the match I was mainly waiting for, Toni Vs Rhea, this match I've been excited for since it was announced, I love both of them and think they are both talented but it would be a lie if I didn't say I wanted Toni to win a little bit more than Rhea, this match was amazing, the emotions both females showed was amazing and you could feel it just watching the match not only that the story telling during the match was definitely there, I could watch these two wrestle for ages, the match ended with a Strom Zero and finally Toni Strom was crowned NXT UK women's champion, the crowd broke out in to you deserve it chants, the NXT UK women's Division is in safe hands with these two ladies.

Up next the main event off the event itself, Pete Dunne (NXT United Kingdom Champion) Vs Joe Coffey, everyone had expectations for this match and it definitely lived up to it, both men putting it all on the line for us fans, moves that make you say omg and say this is awesome, both men took massive bumps in this match, this match is one for the history books, in the end it ended with Pete Dunne retaining the title, muchly deserved. British Strong Style, honestly couldn't not be impressed with this match, it was amazing, beyond words, there isn't actually any words to put for this match, honestly amazing, emotions were definitely high in this match and that came across. I have nothing else to say about this match apart from absolutely amazing.
Best match of the night!!!!

PPV ended with Walter, giving notice so to say.

Honestly If you have never watched NXT UK this is the one to watch to introduce yourself to it, there might not be many matches but that means all matches get to tell a story, they get the time to get the fans invested in the match, which is nice to see and nice for the guys and girls that put their body on the line for us, us fans.

The whole PPV was a great ppv, something the NXT UK Brand should be proud of, well done ladies and Gentlemen of the NXT UK brand, let's hope for another one soon..


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