Should Dean turn on the shield?

Now I'm a massive fan of the shield and them as singles, ok Roman not so much but I don't hate him, just not my fave, so what do you think should he turn? Here's my opinion.

Personally, Dean has always been my fave of the three, always been drawn towards him, don't really know why i must like crazy.

Anyway, I do think Dean should turn on Seth and Roman, since coming back he's changed up some moves and his look, anyway the reason I think he should turn is because heel Dean is amazing, we haven't seen him in awhile, also it would be nice for Dean to be the attention of the shield as when the trio broke up the first time, Dean got titles yes but he never had an easy ride with it unlike Seth and Roman.

Dean turning on them would give so many options for the WWE to do with Dean and storyline wise, have him face Seth for the IC title, have him tease Seth like he has done in the past yet with him being heel, have him go after roman, even tho Dean as a heel might not work with this one as the crowds like to boo Roman, the options are endless, with a really good storyline it could work out amazingly, if they get the timing of the turn right, old problem is Renee will have to go against on commentary as she seems to be the one who supports the faces while graves is the heel guy.

I feel like with this one it's all about timing and getting it right done to soon and it could ruin it but also works the same way if it's done to late, the teasing is definitely there, with Dean not only teasing us at super show down but also on raw.

Let's give Dean some spotlight, let's see him being able to run with a storyline and promos, it could be amazing.

What do you reckon to Dean turning heel? Yay or nah?


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