Evolution; Nikki Vs Ronda?

Last night on Monday Night Raw, things happened DX returned, Dean walked out on the shield after they lost the match , but also the Bella's turned on Ronda, setting up Nikki Vs Ronda at evolution at the end of the month.

After a six woman tag match against the riot squad, Ronda locked the arm bar on ruby which had her tap out, Ronda winning the match for her team, a couple seconds after celebrating the Bella's blind sided Ronda, with Nikki having the first punch.

So technically Ronda could take on both Nikki and Brie and for a minute she did take them both out but the number game as Cole would say was to much for Ronda.

Ronda had no help, nattie no where to be seen.

So we have our second match for evolution Ronda Vs Nikki for the title, realistically Ronda should win but there are a couple ways the match itself could go, depending on weather the Bella's are back for a bit WWE could have the numbers game be to much for Ronda and Nikki becomes raw woman's champion or they could have Ronda do what she does best, let's be fair the girl took on HHH at mania and has already done a double arm bar, the Bella's ain't gonna be much of a problem.

Depending on which way they go on building this match could make or break the match as twitter has mixed emotions on the match some are excited and expecting it to be a good match, which is should be as taking nothing away from Nikki she is a talented wrestler, she knows what she's doing and training over the years has paid for her.
The other side of twitter is let down by the Nikki Vs Ronda match many thinking it should be nattie, which would be a Hella good match and hopefully one day will happen, promos between the two should be good, hopefully WWE have a good way to build this match up until the end of the month.

But Nikki did say "you all begged for a revolution, I gave you one' back in 2015 so why not beat down the woman who were, Steph and the world claimed started the woman's revolution in sports and entertainment.

Let's see where WWE take this one.


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