Opinions on the Bella Twins.

Ok, I might regret posting this one as it's either gonna get hate or people agreeing with me but either way here is my opinion on Nikki & Brie the Bella Twins.

I'm going to start of talking about them separately, as they are two people just their brand isn't.

So I'll start of with Nikki.

Now Nikki has always been my favourite out of them both, even when the whole thing with Cena went down with the was the relationship break up a work or was it not, anyway in my opinion Nikki has always been the better wrestler, when Nikki started I feel like we can all agree she wasn't the best, but then again noone is amazing right away, anyway after she went out with her shin injury couple years back, she came back better, with new moves and it was clear she had been training, which impressed alot of fans and got her the push she deserved, with difddiffe storylines, including longest reigning divas champ, and turning on her sister, I feel like Nikki gets alot of stick for living the life style she does, but if you had the money and could afford the nicer things in life wouldn't you splash out? And her stand alone moment when she did dancing with the stars and did amazing ,Anyway back to the wrestling, Nikki unfortunately ended up with neck issues which has lead to not so much Nikki on the wrestling scene until lately which brings me on to Brie.

Brie, to me seems to do what she has to do to get the match done, yes I know she's had baby, but even before the baby her moveset I always found slightly boring and the same she never really seemed to go away and work on new moves, I know she now does Daniels Yes kicks, let's not mention that one just yet,  but even when shes come back after having birdie who is to cute, there doesn't seem to be any new moves, yes I know she's a mother so won't have much time to train but if you are going back to work you find the time, like any job you find the time if you want to be a working mother, I'm not saying brie is a horrible wrestler before you say this is hate, you are hating, I'm not just in my opinion from what I've seen of brie in the last month or so she's been back hasn't been great. Yes I'm aware of ring rust but that doesn't last forever, to me brie doesn't bring that wow factor anymore and it's sad as it might not seem it from this blog but I do like to Bella twins, heck total Divas / total Bella's is totally my guilty pleasure.

Now that brings me to the Bella's as a brand, the Bella twins brand is everywhere, reality TV shows, clothing lines, their own wine, youtube, you name it they are doing  it right now, you can say the Bella's have made a dent in the business world because I'm sure there is more they can and will end up doing at some point, maybe make up line who knows, but this brings me back to their wrestling careers are they taking on to much? Not only traveling the world with WWE but having to keep their companies inline, show up on red carpets, go to all the events to get their brands out there? Should they only focus on one thing at a time?

I'm not saying they shouldn't do all they are doing because what they are doing is amazing and I wish them all the luck in the world with it, I just worry are they going to wear themselves to thin? Are they going to be to tired and god forbid something happened in a match where one of them or someone gets hurt, I mean we saw what happened with Liv on Monday and yes I know brie said sorry, but could of it been the lack of sleep, the lack of energy?, Lack of being able to train before and after matches?

Now don't get me wrong the Bella's have done so much for WWE and the woman's wrestling division and I couldnt thank them enough, for taking those crappy little three minutes matches if that back in the day and sticking it out and helping make the division what it is now, noone can take that away from them. They shouldn't take that away from them, whether you like them or not, they did set a pathway for females that are coming up after them and for that they should be proud, they can say they were there, they can say they were part of it all and to all the people that just love to hate on the Bella's should give it a rest, because these two girls have made history in WWE and that will be always remembered.

But is it time for them to step away? Have they done all they need to do in the world of WWE?

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