My opinion on all matches that happened on WWE's biggest show of them all wrestlemania.
 Okay so we will start with the pre show matches:
Andre the giant battle Royale, I was happy with the choice of matt to win, I as a massive Hardy fan growing up and still to this day love them was happy, at first when brays music hit I got slightly confused to what was happening, but bray becoming woken is an interesting turn on things and can't wait too see how it all plays out, be interesting to see what happens with Jeff and weather he become brother Nero and they form one hell of a team. Guess only the future will tell with this one.
WINNER; Matt Hardy

Curiserweight championship match;
I wasn't really overly fussed on who won this match but the match had some good move sets. and the the respect shown at the end between both men was really nice to see.
WINNER; Cedrick Alexander

Woman's battle royale;
This match wasn't great, it wasn't really amazing, don't get me wrong I love woman's wrestling but I felt like this match lacked something, I Cant pin point what it was but there just wasn't something there, the nxt girls having their moment was great moment within the match the only other really stand out moment was when sasha and bayley were believe to be the last two in the ring, with bayley eliminating sasha, bayley was then believed to have woman what we all forgot about what naomi who had been having a nap outside the ring for the entire match, who then eliminated bayley. Overall not the best woman's match on the card. Also the trophy is ugly.

So this brings on to the main card, the main show so to speak.
Interconental championship.
This match was great from the get go, all three men involved in the match did give it their all. I was rooting for seth to win as he's always been a fave of mine. The moves they did within the match they was some good ones, the match was very entertaining and enjoyable. What was a talking point was Finns entrance normally at a big show he will come out as Demon finn balor but not this time he came out in support of his the balor club is for everyone, overall a good match, I hope miz gets to go home and have a couple weeks with his new little baby and maryse and last night seen seth rollins join dean ambrose and roman reigns as grand slam champions.
WINNER; Seth Rollins

Smackdown woman's championship:
Charlotte vs asuka, now this match made me speechless both female put on a show, it made some of the mens matches look poor, the moves the emotion in this match is what made it great, asuka streak on the line and Charlotte's title most of the internet was convinced Charlotte would be dropping the title to asuka, but if there is one place where a streak is broken its wrestlemania, which is did.
The emotional on both women was clear from the start and as the match went on the  emotion on got stronger, they met each other move for move, Charlotte showing once again why she is the Queen, the end of the match was where all the respect was shown. Asuka picking up the mic and saying simple words "Charlotte was ready for asuka" nothing more needed saying. Be interesting on what wwe do with asuka now there is no streak.
WINNER; Charlotte

US championship:
Overall I wasn't in to this match as some of the others, obviously we got the rkos from randy, it wouldn't be a randy Orton match without them, I feel like jinder winning was a bit out of the blue if randy didn't retain I seen rusev day winning, with how big that chant has got and how over he is at the moment. Other then that there wasn't anything amazing about this match it was just a pretty standard match.
WINNER: Jinder Mahal

Ronda&Kurt vs the authority:
This match was highly talked about mainly because of ronda, as a former ufc fighter it was pretty much everywhere on the news that she had now signed with wwe and had a match against Stephanie and Triple H, while people wondered what the match was gonna be like for a few weeks, last night it was one of the best matches on the card, ronda Impressing me the most out of all the 4 people in this match, mainly because she showed how strong she is lifting triple h up, you could say she made Triple H her B****, the match overall was enjoyable one to watch the crowd once ronda was tagged in seemed to really get in to in. I'm looking forward to seeing what ronda does within wwe and where this storyline goes.
WINNER: Ronda & Kurt

Smackdown tag team championships:
There isn't really much to say about this match it was a pretty standard match with the titles changing hands, it seemed to be one of the quicker matches on the card of mania night.
WINNER: Bludgeon Brothers

Undertaker vs John Cena;
This match had been talking for weeks, John's been running his mouth for the last couple weeks on raw and smackdown and the undertaker never said anything, to which is why cena appeared in the crowd as a fan at the beginning of the show until a ref ran down at the very end of Charlotte and asuka anyway fast forward cena comes out and the lights go off we expect taker right? Wrong wwe trolled us and elias came out singing about the crowd as always, cena then beat down Elias and left the ring only to get to the middle of the ramp for the lights to go out again, when the lights flashed in the ring was takers jacket and hat that he left from his last mania match again roman, the light flashed again and they was gone, second later the bong went off and the goosebumps giving theme hit and there he was back and in one of the best shape we have seen him in, in years taker. The match was fairly quick which makes me think that this isn't the only cena vs taker match we are going to see, maybe another one next year where cena wins, a repeat of what happened with Cena and the rock a couple years ago maybe? Only the future will tell.
WINNER; undertaker

Daniel Bryan & Shane McMahon vs Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn
This match had only been talked about for a couple weeks but was expected to deliver mainly because finally after retiring Daniel Bryan was able to wrestle again, the match itself was good with the outcome being Daniel and Shane winning but the question on everyone's lips is where are the team of owns and zayn going now? Only the future will tell that story but as for daniel it looked like he hadn't even missed a beat. Welcome back Daniel bryan.
WINNER: Daniel Bryan & Shane McMahon

Raw woman's championship:
I expected this match to be much shorter then it was, I expected them to have nia come out and just crush Alexa with no moveset really coming in to play with Alexa, but it was an overall good match, with good coming out on top, it wasn't all just one side as much as nia did throw Alexa around, safe to say that nia did deserve that title and all the emotions on her face just shown what is meant to her.

WWE championship:
This match was set to be a good one from the get go and it was good, the match was back and fourth the whole time the real shock happened after AJ retained and shinsuke turned heel on us all with a lowblow to AJ and then beating him down. Overall can't wait too see where this takes us in the future which matched between them.
WINNER: AJ Styles.

RAW Tag Team Championships:
For weeks there has been talks of who could be brauns partner names have been thrown about and it was exciting to see who it could be weather or was a return or a debut well it was neither well a debut of a kid, braun choice a child from the crowd to be his partner, it was slightly disappointing it not being a return or a debut but it was also a kind of sweet moment because that kid is gonna remember that night forever, as it was kinda known the bar got these hands and ending loosing the tag team titles to Braun and Nicholas, good on the kid if that was me I'd be hiding under the announce table like nah not today, overall good match.
WINNER: Braun and Nicholas.

last but no least the Universal Championship;
Ah this one left me slightly annoyed at mania, because I'm sick of Brock having the title and never being on raw, I ain't Romans biggest fan But at least if he was to have the title the title would be shown every week, anyway the match was rather more one side then expected brock beat roman down, obviously roman got his spears and superman punches but other then that it was all brock, the beat down for that much that tables where broken and blood was very much everywhere, brock split Roman's head open and its mostly like the most blood we have seen on wwe in a while. Other then that the match was like every other brock and roman fight we have seen and I have a feeling this isn't the last one between them that we will have to sit and watch. But roman didn't go down without fight it took alot of F5's and a few trips to suplex city to keep him down.
WINNER: Brock Lesnar

Overall the show was enjoyable it wasn't the best mania I've seen but it wasn't the worst, comment what you thoughts are about last night's show and where you think storyline could go after this.


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